Sunday, April 25, 2010

Assignment 15

What I would say to a new student taking English 311 is that the class is nothing like you expect it to be. I feared this class for the simple fact is that I am not very knowledgeable in the English area. I was scared of not succeeding and not finishing the class. Fortunately, I hung in there and learned so much to be a success in the future. I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been in this class.

Assignment #14

The Service Learning Experience was great in developing myself as a person. In my previous blog I spoke about the importance of volunteering in our community. The learning objection in the course was outlined very well and these 15 weeks has taught me a lot. I have learned a lot about my community and it helps me to determine how my future goals will be benefit me as a person by continuing to be an active part of the community. My son and I have both made a commitment to being involved.

Assignment #13


In my SLP I learned a lot about the different volunteering that goes on in our community. Not just from my own but from others. There is a great need for service and it helped to be a part of it. There is a need on a local level that is unimaginable. I have seen first hand that food banks, hospitals, and other outreach centers in the Lansing area. Making a commitment to our community is something that makes your self worth valuable.

Assignment #12 Small group projects

The group projects gave us to chance to work with different people in my class. It was good to get other ideas and the groups that I worked with all pitched in with information. They would focus on working on the task at hand. I really enjoyed the different people that I met in my class and the things we learned.

Assignment #11

Posted diigo list on collaboration to my blog.

Individual Technical Definition

By being in this 311 class we did things I never expected. I learned a lot about the things I can do and one was creating a web design. I know this was written before we did our business, but this was something I thought I would never do. The internet is so full of information that it can only make you want to try something new. "Think out of your box".

Assignment #7

Strategies to make consistent language choices:

For my PLCR the interview that I did with Jane Crowner did not enlighten me to a cultural language in the packaging field. There were many facets to the packaging field and without knowing if I will specialize in the food industry or being in physics. The jargon will definitely be different.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Being proactive is something I associate with finishing school. I have been a student on and off for many years and now I am trying very hard to stay focused and finish what I have started many years ago. By going over the 7 habits it has left me feeling very positive in my effort.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

This has never been a problem. I always have the vision of the end I just need to be patient and consistent with my decisions.

Habit 3: Put First Things First
Organizing myself is very difficult. I think I would be more successful with things in my life.
Habit 4: Think Win/Win
Competitiveness is something I enjoy. I always want to be a winner in the things I do.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
I really need to read this book. I see a lot of these habits in my personal life. In everything I do I want to be understood (especially in a relationship). In writing this blog I see where I this book will definitely be of great help.
Habit 6: Synergize
I may be turning this into a personal relationship verses developing myself. But by trusting in anything you do you can only have success.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
I think this habit speaks for itself.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The PLCR project started really well for me. I had a wonderful interview at Michigan State University with Jane Crowner and the excitement was really there. Unfortunately, there were some changes in my like and the second half of this semester has been a real challenge. I hope to maintain and keep plugging away.